Election 2024 NA71 Sialkot Khawaja Asif Vs Rehana Imtiaz Form 45 Result

NA71 election results for 2024 – The list of NA 71 Sialkot 2 NA71 constituency candidates and live updates. Candidates are Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Rehana Imtiaz Dar Final result from Form 45

Khawaja Muhammad Asif Vs Rehana Imtiaz Dar

The intricacies of electoral matters in Pakistan: A Deep Dive into the Election Commission’s Decision

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) grapples with complexity: A Look into the NA-71 Sialkot Constituency Verdict

The Electoral Battlefield

Rehana Dar, a candidate backed by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, engages in a fierce electoral battle in the NA-71 elections against prominent PML-N leader Khawaja Asif.

The Discrepancies Unveiled

Dar raises concerns regarding discrepancies in the official vote count, pointing to a glaring difference between Form 45 and Form 47.

The Commission’s Response

The ECP opts to defer its decision on Dar’s petition, extending the hearing until February 22 to further investigate alleged irregularities.

The Protracted Saga Continues

The fate of the NA-71 Sialkot constituency remains uncertain as the Commission deliberates over the findings and arguments presented by both parties.

All Candidate Votes Election 2024 of NA71 Sialkot

Candidate Name Party Name Votes
Ashfaq Ahmad Independent  61
Ch Muhammad Sarwar MQM  98
Khawaja Awais Mushtaq PPP 1609
 Khawaja Muhammad Asif PMLN 119001
Danyal Bisharat Independent 86
Ruba Umar Independent 3194
Rehana Imtiaz Independent 100482
 Tahir Mehmood Butt Independent 4951
Muhammad Ihsan Independent 2284
Muhammad Aslam TLP 11526
 Main Umer Farooq Mayor Independent 609



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